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baobaodoudou 2012-8-28 19:52
烊烊糖,我在GGD上看到你ING 面试的帖子。想请教你几个问题。你当时是internship面试还是traineship面试?如果是traineeship面试,当时他们问你哪类问题了?有你专业相关的问题吗?谢谢你了先!!!
who 2011-11-12 09:56
烊烊糖: maggie你好,还记得我吧,我又问你买饺子来了。我想要白菜猪肉的2份,香菇猪肉的2份。请问一下因为下周五我不太方便和你在阿姆斯特丹火车站碰头,能不能周一晚上 ...
你好! 我还记得你的。 谢谢你们又来订饺子,你们自己能来取太好了。 这周二包的饺子都还有。 所以 4份饺子没问题。我们家的地址是:weeshuisland 67  
1541MB  Koog aan de Zaan
你的手机号码变了吗? 谢谢, 周一晚上见!

0639 557 257
lmjiang 2011-8-11 15:01
Hi YangYangTang,
sorry for unable to type chinese. I assume you are working in ING and `d like to ask you a question. I received the offer in a traineeship in ING and some procedures are taking place at this moment. Since my current resident permit will expire soon and they mailed me that ING won't play a role in prolonging my permit and I have to send my contract to IND if neccessary. That means I have to arrange my ID all by myself which is consuming time and money. I'd like to ask if this is still discussable with ING or it is a normal situation when they recruit new foreign emplyee. Thank you very much in advance!!
a&j 2011-7-31 11:01
I like your Gucci bag, can you give me your phone number?
cdzx02659 2010-1-26 06:31
coca-cola 2009-3-8 00:46


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