您说你喜雨,却撑伞拒涟漪; 您说你好阳,却寻阴恐灼伤; 您说你爱风,却掩窗躲房中。 汝行使我怕,您也说爱我丫! (译于8 Dec. 2015) You say you love rains, but you open the umbrella when it rains; You say you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines; You say you love wind ...
Get up, you slaves, who want to be not, With your flesh and bones, construct we the new great wall, National crisis is coming to the corner, ...... Every body Shout! shouts out, “got up, waken up, and stood up” All in one, we move on, move on, move on on on !