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ABCDEFG Why?为何要这么排列?怪不得连Mr Sarkozy都来玩玩它

已有 331 次阅读2014-4-29 04:46 |个人分类:言语语言|系统分类:快乐| everything, ABCDEFG, 英语字母, 女孩

对英语字母的排列产生兴趣,有个女孩便问男孩,为什么是 ABCDEFG 这样的顺序。

男孩狡黠的笑笑,回答:因为 A boy can do everything for girls. (男孩可以为女孩做一切事情)


女孩挺感动的。但是,她忘了问问接下来的排列为什么是 HIJKLMN,

那是 He is just kidding letting me near. (他只是在开玩笑好令我接近他)


Let me near 还真有来由呢:


When shall I be able to pass every minute near you, with nothing to do but to love you and nothing to think of but the pleasure of telling you of it and giving you proof of it?

什么时候我才能在你身旁度过每分每刻, 除了爱你什么也不做;除了爱你,除了向你倾诉我对你的爱并向你证明我对你的爱的那种愉快,我什么也不想了。

英人热媒:法佬Sarkozy曾试图Seduce Holande EX-女友 ---

Mr Sarkozy, whose marriage was on the verge of collapse, took the refusal badly, writes biographer Patrice Machuret. According to the tale the leader recoiled, remarking: 'Who does she think she is?'.



Divorcing Cecilia Ciganer, he had already dated a number of political journalists - and wrongly took Ms Trierweiler to be 'an opportunist', Mr Machuret writes in His Life After The Elysee. Months after the alleged incident, reported by The Times, Mr Sarkozy met his bride-to-be, model Carla Bruni.



But from that moment on, he appeared to hold a grudge against Ms Trierweiler, Mr Machuret writes. It has been taken by many as an explanation for the apparent feud between Ms Trierweiler and Mr Sarkozy at every public appearance since Mr Hollande was elected in 2012. At Nelson Mandela’s funeral in Johannesburg, Mr Sarkozy is said to have ridiculed Ms Trierweiler’s hat.



A month later, she was dumped by Mr Hollande after it emerged he was having an affair with actress Julie Gayet. Representatives of Mr Sarkozy have denied that he 'made a play for' Ms Trierweiler, said Machuret.



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