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yongfeng的个人空间 https://www.gogodutch.com/?67043 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


have to get my chest bigger and begger!!!
2009-9-15 14:59
a friend of mine just went to Rotterdam from St. maarten... he ain't speak any dutch... only chinese and english.... can anyone just help him a bit by finding an apartment for him or do some translati
2009-9-12 16:37
goin to enjoy my weekend..
2009-9-12 00:30
going to new york again on the 19, will do alot shopping thor!!!
2009-9-9 01:47
just uploaded some pics... look at them le...
2009-9-8 02:08
so busy today... but i can deal with whatever comes to me... coz i'm yongfeng.... hehe
2009-9-7 16:58
going out to eat now.... chinese food thor
2009-9-6 16:55
going out to eat now.... chinese food thor
2009-9-6 16:55
going to gym now... wana be bigger and stronger...
2009-9-6 08:55
what a beautiful saturday... doin nothing home.. goin out to exercise..... swiming is the best to me.. read some books and listen to music.. what else can be better... what a colourful life.. hehe
2009-9-5 16:28
goin to swim now... got to keep myself fit... hehe
2009-9-5 16:26
get some music... plz check it out!!!
2009-9-5 05:13
woke up early of friday morning.. had couple dreams last night..ain't know wat to do today... just relax and relax.. i believe is going to be better and better everyday. sunshine and possitive is me..
2009-9-4 13:46
just woke up.... ain't know wat to do..
2009-9-4 13:41


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