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researcher 2012-5-25 07:12
存儿存儿: 明天我出发的时候给你打电话。
when you arrive, you may also call 0653437874; you can shortly park the car in the parking place behind Kingsgarden (see there Hotel).
researcher 2012-5-24 19:55
存儿存儿: 明天中午12:30到1:20我可以去取。 刚才打你电话不通。 你说的地址就是kingsgarden 吧。到时候你能不能去背面的停车场等我, (就是abn 那边), 因为我的时间 ...
researcher 2012-5-24 18:52
存儿存儿: 明天中午12:30到1:20我可以去取。 刚才打你电话不通。 你说的地址就是kingsgarden 吧。到时候你能不能去背面的停车场等我, (就是abn 那边), 因为我的时间 ...
tomorrow between this time is OK for me, you can call tomorrow 0653437874 to take the microwave; it is upstairs of Kingsgarden
researcher 2012-5-24 10:13
存儿存儿: 我周五要参加一个朋友的defence, 可能12点半敢不过去。 换个别的时间可以吗。周日你在家吗。
if before 14 h is ok for me, please confirm
researcher 2012-5-24 10:12
存儿存儿: 我周五要参加一个朋友的defence, 可能12点半敢不过去。 换个别的时间可以吗。周日你在家吗。
can be earlier on Friday? in the morning?
researcher 2012-5-21 19:10
存儿存儿: 我想再确认一下是15欧吧。 因为我要找别人去搬, 所以确定一下,省得害别人白跑一趟
yes, it is for 15 Euro, let's say at about 12.30 h on Friday, the address is Stadsbrink 1, you can call me then at 0613731758, or I call you, see you then
researcher 2012-5-17 12:39
存儿存儿: 好的,我的电话是0681820458
if you also want to see the photo of the microwave, you can give me your email address. It is in very good condition, looks like new.
researcher 2012-5-17 10:19
存儿存儿: 好的,我的电话是0681820458
researcher 2012-5-15 12:20
存儿存儿: 你在哪住阿,微波炉15 欧卖吗


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