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cmuqixi的个人空间 https://www.gogodutch.com/?63760 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge
  • 运儿: A good understanding have all those who do His commandments (7-9 21:36)
  • cmuqixi: Thanks, sister运儿. May Lord bless u! (7-9 21:41)
  • cmuqixi: Sorry, Brother 运儿. (7-9 21:42)
  • 运儿: Thanks (7-9 21:46)
  • cmuqixi: if u don't have a chinese church to go, tell me. (7-9 21:54)
  • 运儿: Thanks a lot . yes there is a Dutch church in Deventerwhere i now live ,i think it is ok for me join the dutch style because they will use a microphone to translate in Dutch to English for the student (7-9 22:03)
  • cmuqixi: nice. He walks with u. keep a close contact. (7-9 22:05)
  • 运儿: yeah , and last sunday i have just been baptised you know. And the dutch people they are very kind that i join their church,receiving a lot of gifts and it was the first time for the forigner who was (7-9 22:10)
  • cmuqixi: Praise Lord!!! Seek and found. May you used by Him! hope we can meet one day. (7-9 22:16)
  • cmuqixi: Good night. C U! (7-9 22:16)
  • 运儿: one day i hope so . Good night. (7-9 22:20)
2009-6-16 13:14


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