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分享 "Life " Topic
Jennyamsterdam 2009-2-26 20:45
愛是動詞 屏東大仁科技大學 許修齊教授 僕人』這本書中的內容,有一個標題是『愛是動詞』。 愛是動詞?書本裡面說:愛是動詞,不是形容詞,也不是名詞。 愛就是把正確的事情做出來。 說真的,我不懂。 ...
298 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Very nice to be the member
Jennyamsterdam 2009-2-19 14:03
I was advised that this is a very good web which could give me lot of idea how to live in Netherland. Today , when I get the chance to revisit it and I found there are lot of nice people in this web. I could get home feeling . It is so great. Would love to know more people and get friends in this c ...
个人分类: amsterdam life|298 次阅读|1 个评论


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