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Success is a journey

热度 1已有 1126 次阅读2013-3-14 09:27 |系统分类:生活| journey, weekend

Success is a journey, not a destination. This weekend we are going to attend;a training from Darren Hardy and George Zaclukie. Really looking forward to it. I have never been longing for personal development as I do now. The more you know, the more you realize how little you know.
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回复 appletje 2013-3-20 14:31
really? would you like to share some info? very curious...
回复 who 2013-3-20 23:12
appletje: really? would you like to share some info? very curious...
The training from Darry Hardy and Goerge Zalucki was great. There were about 10.000 people.  Over training of Darry Hardy, you can search his book " The Compound Effect".  From www.goergezacluki.com, you can learn about his teaching.
回复 appletje 2013-3-21 05:11
Thank you! :)
回复 who 2013-3-26 23:00
"When you find yourself in a touch space and everything seems to be going against you, and it seems as though you can not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn". Harriet Stowe
回复 who 2013-3-28 23:58
When all is said and done, in life, as well as business, the difference between who "will have" and those who "will have not", will be clearly traced back to those who "did" and those who "did not"! Goerge Zalucki
回复 who 2013-4-3 09:28
The Thing that Changed my life-- By Anthony Robbins

回复 who 2013-4-7 21:22
What is a goal? A goal is a dream with a period of time. Vision is the key to success, think big, think focus, think globle... Harvey Markay
回复 who 2013-4-7 21:24
A  highly recomand personal development book  "The Compoud Effect" by Darren Hardy
回复 who 2013-4-7 21:53
The Single Greatest Power -Anthony Robbins Please copy the link and watch:

回复 who 2013-4-13 22:02
The Time for decison has come- Anthony Robbins: http://succesgids.nl/the-time-for-desisions-has-come/?inf_contact_key=ab60e1503c2079bd82496ecb0c23ad8834b95438b4a23d500b1fa46fbd2a590d
回复 who 2013-4-14 21:41
Become love and love will find you anywhere-- George Zaluckie


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