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已有 721 次阅读2013-1-29 12:45 |系统分类:生活| , 今天

今天非常荣幸地收到了一份礼物。 是 Mr. George Zalucki 先生寄来的一本他自己写的书 'Straight Talk', 首页里面他还亲手给我写了好些劝勉的话。 这令我非常感动!  Mr. George Zalucki 是在直销和心理学领域的精英, 在全球直销最高收入排行榜上排名第十二。
A Master Teacher and A Multi-Million Dollar Earner with over 33 years Experience in Network Marketing Tells It Like It Really Is!

"Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood you said it in has left you!"

"Focus of your Thoughts and Mastery of your Emotions Are the Keys To All Winning!"

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发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 who 2013-2-15 00:22
I am not just reading but studying this book now.
回复 who 2013-2-24 20:25
Responsibility is to cause something to happen or not to happen.
回复 who 2013-2-26 14:45
相信自己, 相信他人, 相信宇宙中比我们更大的力量。


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