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木臂阿童铁的个人空间 https://www.gogodutch.com/?120359 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


Laurachen 2013-6-10 00:52
木臂阿童铁: jaaaa...i work in a japanese restaurant in a town near utrecht. and they offer accommodation :)
You should have stayed with us instead of going so far away. How about your scholarship, now it's almost vacation time. Are you going back to China this year?
Laurachen 2013-4-15 23:43
Mengmeng, how are you doing? Where are you now? Haven't heard you for a long time.
Laurachen 2013-2-25 23:00
木臂阿童铁: yes. he is a boy, named "Doby",hahahaha~~

And I am still waiting for the result of Maastricht University. I have to get its support before  ...
I am glad to hear you. I saw that you were looking for a parttime job for the time being. Good luck.
By the way, come to eat at least once in our restaurant.
Laurachen 2013-2-24 01:43
lovely rabbit.


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