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Do not make myself exhausted

已有 461 次阅读2012-12-3 12:56 |系统分类:生活| 欧洲, 梦一样的地方

Before I went back,  I rent a house in Arnhem, originally , I plan to settle there for a month, to be frank , Europe is a good place for recovery. whatever you hurt physically or phycologically, really.

try to think about the whole year in Europe, I spent almost one year on the train, what expressed me was on my way to Urchte by train , when my train was passing through a grass land , plant and wide, can not see the edge, and a long river, connect the sky.  some horses drinking by the river side. 

and also the sea in Dam Hugge, yellow sandy beach strench for thousands of miles, the lighthouse stand far from us,  recently I came to Wei Hai , to see the sea, disappointly , it can not compare with the Dam Hugge . I mean the feelings , very beautiful. can not express in any kind of words,  
Sea side, in Dam Hugge, I got down from the No.22 coach, even I did not apparoch , I had already seen the sea, there was no things to hide the sea, actually a plant, wide place,  there is no word for me to express what I see, I think, may be in virtual computer game I saw the scenery , or in my dream , 
walk alongside the beach, or sit nearby, just myself, see the locals running along the beach, tall father took his little son, or say hello to the poor Middle  east people, beacuse of long time fighting with each other, but the war is actually good.
really want to stay in Europe , but it is entirely imposible. what a pity , really.

before I went back, I succeded finding a temporary place for living in Arm  , landlord 30+ years old, sometimes we talk, normally I went out for enjoying the city's street , every street, I spent 2days finishing the trip. I approach every street in the city. I like some small shop during some corner of the city, sometimes I walk out of the noisy crowds, and surprisingly saw a square and a church , a high church, sit far from the church, see the pedenstrians walked through it , they were very small, interesting. 
Europe , I wrote down these words in English because I just want who have the same experience as I , can see it and understand it and have the same feelings , so I do not need to use chinese, if your English is in a good level , may be you can find some grammar mistake in this , and I am so appreciated that if you point them to me ,aha.. 

thank you kite and sally , for teaching me and correct my grammar mistake, sorry for my poor writing capacity if you are reading this , I disappoint you again, 

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