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fine day ,fine mood

已有 429 次阅读2011-8-25 22:16 |系统分类:快乐

it  is  fine day ,tomorrow  i  stay  at  home  online  to  chat  with  my friend,thank you  very  mucah ,accompany  with  me .afternoon  i  went  to  supermarket named  oritental . i  met a  chinese girl , chat  with  her  about her job ,she is  very  nice .suggest me  to ask  the officer .then  i  went to the  office , said to a  woman  if  i  can get a  job ,she  gave me  a  paper  which  i  can  write  some personal  imformation  in . good  luck  to  me .tomorrow is a new day .come  on 

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