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After the Gold Rush

已有 399 次阅读2010-3-5 00:29 |

After the Gold Rush by Eric Smith (A facebook friend of a friend of mine)

I did not and do not support the Olympic Games. I won't get into the details for my stand on the matter -- you can go to no2010.com to find out most of the reasons why I don't. I accept and repsect your national pride and only ask you accept and respect my understanding. What I do support, and with great vigour, is the communal spirit capable of human beings who are united in singleness of purpose. I also believe very strongly in the need for myth and ritual as means to create and sustain that singleness of purpose.

What an incredible outpouring of pride and joy after last night's men's hockey gold medal victory for Canada. Standing in my backyard, I heard the horns honking throughout the stillness of the night, saw the fireworks display from community parks around the city, and heard tales of reverie from many of my sleep-deprived peers on Monday morning. I was caught-up in the tidal wave of excitement, but I do not share the cause for the outpouring of euphoria. Part of me was angry that is was only a hockey game, and not something of greater value such as the birth of a more just society, or maybe a final end to the world's poverty and hunger.

The Olympic motto is "Citius, Altius, Fortius", which translates into English as "Faster, Higher, Stronger". Canada's men's hockey team proved to be faster, higher, and stronger. They rose up to the gold medal podium and the Canadian hockey fans lifted them to it with their singleness of purpose. Canadian sports fans played a significant role in helping them attain their victory.

But what if we look at the Olympic motto from a different perspective? What if we strove to assist and serve others rather than to compete and defeat our opponents? What if we changed the rules of the game?

Any segment of society, whether it is a family, a community, or a nation, is only as fast, as high, and as strong as its those who lag the furthest behind, those who sink to the lowest depths of existence, and those who struggle with meeting their most basic needs.

Imagine a world in which everyone participated to reach someone in need. A world in which we respond to cries for help 'faster', reach down to those oppressed and lift them up 'higher', and support those struggling with self-sufficiency to become 'stronger'.

How different would our world be if we set our sights not on the podium, but on those whose lives are treated less than golden?

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